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In VulcanSQL, we manage user access to specific data sources by applying authorization policies to individual profiles associated with each data source. We use an attribute-based access control (ABAC) approach to control access based on user attributes provided by Authenticator. This allows for a clear and flexible way to control which users can access the data sources.

Defining Policies For Each Data Source

The configurations for each data source are defined in the profiles.yaml file. To configure authorization policies for each data source, you will need to set the allow property for each profile. The allow property can be a string, an array of strings, or an array of constraints. A constraint can have the following structure:

namestringSet a name constraint, with wildcard support. For example, "admin", "admin*", etc.
attributesMap<string, any>Set an attributes constraint, with wildcard support for both keys and values. For example, {"group": "admin*", "enabled": true}.

Example 1: Allow everyone to access the data source

- name: pg
type: pg
allow: '*'

Example 2: Allow only users whose names match the pattern "admin*"

- name: pg
type: pg
allow: 'admin*'

Example 3: Allow only users who have the attribute "group" set to "admin"

- name: pg
type: pg
- attributes:
group: admin

Example 4: Allow only users who have the attribute "group" set to "admin" and the attribute "enabled" set to true

- name: pg
type: pg
- name: 'admin*'
group: 'admin*'
enabled: 'true'